Web AR : Quick Look

Tap on any of the images to explore the new way of learning in the augmented reality. If you are watching on the Android 7.0 + & iOS 11.0+ devices mobile then you can also view your favorite models in life.

Avidia K12 Content

Human Skeleton

Learn about the human skeleton, its formation & details about each body part in 3D/AR/VR.

Water Cycle

Explore the hydraulic cycle of nature from the process it evaporate from the water bodies and coming back to nature.

Life Cycle of Frog

Learn about the different life cycle of the frog from the egg phase to the adult frog. Explore each week development in 3D/AR/VR.

Human Blood

Blood is a fluid connective tissue that performs several important functions. The  component of blood is plasma, a yellowish liquid that is 90% of water. 

Rat Life Cycle

Visualize each phase of the rat life cycle in 3D/AR/VR.  Explore the life cycle of a rat consists of Four stages: Birth, Weaving, Maturity, and Adult.

Acids Bases & Salts

Learn about the different life cycle of the frog from the egg phase to the adult frog. Explore each week development in 3D/AR/VR.

Solids Liquid & Gaseous

Explore the each phases of the matter mostly solids, liquids & gaseous using water as the example in 3D/VR/AR.

Parts of Flower

Each flower consists of different types of modules. Interactive learning modules with each part as quiz and game.

Learn about Ruminants

In this simulation learn about the four-chamber ruminants stomach and with each chamber learn functionality.


Shadows have two parts umbra and penumbra. Interact with the different types of material and learn with shadow games.

Air Around Us

Air is divided into the components as this is the mixture of the compounds primarily divided into nitrogen,oxygen, co2 and other gaseous

Atom Builder

Atom mainly consists of the proton, neutron & electron. A combination of each things creates the atom.

Excited to learn more such topics ...?

 Explore in 3D/Augmented Reality and put Virtual animals in your real world. 

Avidia Training Modules

Human Body: Oculus Rift, HTC, Quest

Human Anatomy is the complex structure for the surgery and other problem Avidia Labs bring innovative solution where-in learners can learn about each modules in details with there function using Avidia Human Anatomy

Welding Simulation: Oculus Rift, HTC, Quest

Each year almost 5000 ~ 15000 $ are spent on training the welding in the industry. Our Welding simulation not only provides the accuracy in learning and skill development of such topic but also give an analytics dashboard of user learning.

Payment Accepted

Accepts credit and debit cards, Rupay, internet banking & supporting other major wallets including free charge and payzapp.


Get In Touch

Startuphuts HSR Branch, 334, 2nd Floor 27th Main, Sector 2 Next to Moti Mahal Deluxe, HSR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102

Email Id: sales at avidialabs dot com
Phone: +91 6350 629 477